India Witnessed Blue Wave on Ambedkar Jayanthi

On 14th April 2023, India celebrated the 132nd birth anniversary of Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar, one of the most significant figures in the country’s history. Born into a Dalit family in the town of Mhow in Madhya Pradesh in 1891, Ambedkar’s life was marked by his tireless advocacy for the rights of marginalized communities, particularly the Dalits, who were considered to be at the bottom of India’s caste hierarchy.

This year, there is a great joy seen in Dr.Ambedkar’s followers. Villages to towns, mini cities to metro cities across the country are filled with blue flags, rallies and more importantly loud Jai Bhim slogans.

We can see the increased awareness on caste discrimination among the public through different mediums in past few years. However, this year celebrations are now being shaping up and more people started working towards educating the people.

125 feet bronze statue in the heart of Telangana is another highlight on this event. Many people from many states came for the inauguration. Many organizations have conducted the events to connect with fellow Ambedkarites in India and abroad.

Social media walls are painted with Blue! Countless wishes, quotes and videos of celebrations didn’t give any space for the casteist section to throw their filthy hatred on Ambedkarites.

We will be sharing some Social media links to take you through the blue world!